American Black Duck – 12/17/11

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 12/17/11 Observation Time: 11:40 a.m. Observation Location: Sawmill Pond Common Name: American Black Duck Scientific Name: Anas rubripes Comments: This pair of black ducks mingled with some Canada geese and mallards. Shooting photos of this pair reminded me of my grandfather, who lived on Cape Cod and used to shoot black ducks for food during the first half of the twentieth […]

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Chipping Sparrow – 5/20/13

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 5/20/13 Observation Time: 4:20 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Chipping Sparrow Scientific Name: Spizella passerina Comments: Chipping sparrows are very common in Sharon. They have a distinctive reddish cap above a white eyeline. Their song is described as a reedy trill that sounds a lot like the songs of the pine warbler and the junco. More Information: […]

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